Volunteering with Us
Volunteers at Frith Manor
Volunteers at our school bring with them a range of skills and experience that can enhance the learning opportunities of pupils. The school therefore welcomes and encourages volunteers from the local community.
Our volunteers include:
~ Members of the Governing Body
~ Parents of pupils
~ Students on work experience
~ University students
~ Local residents
~ Friends of the school
The types of activities that volunteers engage in, on behalf of the school, include:
~ Hearing pupils read
~ Working with small groups of pupils to assist them in their learning
~ Working alongside individual pupils, as an additional tutor
~ Accompanying school visits
Applying to be a Volunteer
Anyone wishing to become a volunteer, either for a one off event such as a school visit or on a more regular basis, e.g. hearing pupils read, usually approaches the Class Teacher, the office, Headteacher, or Deputy Headteacher. All volunteers must be agreed by the Headteacher.
Volunteers should then complete the Volunteer Application Form and a cover letter explaining the types of activities they would like to help with, and the times they are available to help.
Policy for volunteers working in school
The school’s volunteer policy is part of the school’s safeguarding systems.
Volunteers at our school bring with them a range of skills and experience that can enhance the learning opportunities of pupils. The school therefore welcomes and encourages volunteers from the local community.
Our volunteers include:
~ Members of the Governing Body
~ Parents of pupils
~ Students on work experience
~ University students
~ Local residents
~ Friends of the school
The types of activities that volunteers engage in, on behalf of the school, include:
~ Hearing pupils read
~ Working with small groups of pupils to assist them in their learning
~ Working alongside individual pupils, as an additional tutor
~ Accompanying school visits
The Local Authority and Frith Manor Primary School are committed to safeguarding pupils, young people and vulnerable adults and expect its volunteers to share that commitment.
Becoming a Volunteer
Anyone wishing to become a volunteer, either for a one off event such as a school visit or on a more regular basis, e.g. hearing pupils read, usually approaches the Class Teacher, the office, Headteacher, or Deputy Headteacher. All volunteers must then be agreed by the Headteacher.
Volunteers should then complete the Volunteer Application Form (Appendix 1) with their contact details and a cover letter explaining the types of activities they would like to help with, and the times they are available to help.
Activity which is described as ‘frequent’ or ‘intensive’ covers the meaning given in the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006.
~ ‘frequent’ – once a week or more often on an ongoing basis; and
~ ‘intensive’ – three or more occasions in a 30 day period
Process for recruiting a Volunteer who will be working frequently or intensively
- The candidate will attend the school for an informal discussion to ensure that they are suitable for the role
- An enhanced DBS check will be undertaken
- The volunteer will be made aware of the role and responsibilities they will be undertaking
- If appropriate, two references should be sought where the volunteer arrangement will continue on a regular basis.
- Once agreed, an Induction session will be arranged at which school policies and documentation will be explained and issued.
- Volunteer records will be kept in the school office.
Before starting to help in a school, a volunteer should complete the Volunteer Agreement (Appendix 2), which sets out the school’s expectations of its volunteers and to confirm they have received a copy of this Agreement. The school will seek DBS clearance for a volunteer before they are left unsupervised with any pupils.
Our School Aims
All adults / young people who work in our school, whether a paid member of staff or a volunteer, are expected to work and behave in such a way as to actively promote our school aims and educational purpose.
Volunteers in school are bound by a code of confidentiality. Any concerns that volunteers have about the pupils they work with, or come into contact with, should be voiced with one of the designated child protection coordinators and NOT with the parents of the child/persons. Any information gained at the school about a child or adult must remain confidential.
Volunteers who are concerned about anything in the school which may affect their work should raise the matter with the Headteacher or Deputy Headteacher.
All volunteers work under the supervision of a teacher or full time member of staff. Teachers retain ultimate responsibility for pupils at all times, including the pupils’ behaviour, and the activity they are undertaking. Volunteers should have clear guidance from the designated supervisor as to how an activity is carried out and the expected outcome. In the event of any query or problem regarding a pupil’s understanding of a task, behaviour or their welfare, volunteers must seek further advice and guidance from their designated supervisor.
Health & Safety
The school has a Health & Safety Policy and this is made available to volunteers working in the school. An appropriate member of staff will ensure that volunteers are clear about emergency procedures (e.g. Fire Alarm Evacuation) and about any safety aspects associated with particular tasks (e.g. using D T equipment/accompanying pupils on visits). Volunteers need to exercise due care and attention and report any obvious hazards or concerns to the designated Supervisor or Headteacher.
Child Protection
The welfare of our pupils is paramount. To ensure the safety of our pupils, we adopt the following procedures:
~ All volunteers are given a copy of the Volunteer Policy and asked to sign a Volunteer Agreement (Appendix 2)
~ All of our volunteers must have been cleared by the Criminal Records Bureau (DBS).
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Where a volunteer is engaged in a ‘one-off’ activity e.g. helping supervise a group of pupils as part of a class visit, no formal checks are required. However, such volunteers, who will be under the constant supervision of school staff, must read and sign our Off-Site Visit Agreement (Appendix 3). |
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All volunteers will be asked to sign a Visitor/Volunteer Acceptable Use policy. (Appendix 4). |
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Any concerns a volunteer has about child protection issues, should be referred to the designated child protection coordinator. |
Any complaints made about a volunteer will be referred to the Headteacher or Deputy
Headteacher for investigation. Any complaints made by a volunteer will be dealt with in the same way.
The Headteacher or Deputy Headteacher reserves the right to take the following action:
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To speak with a volunteer about a breach of the Volunteer Agreement and seek reassurance that this will not happen again |
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Offer an alternative placement for a volunteer, e.g. helping with another activity or in another class |
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Based upon the facts identified in the investigation, it may be necessary for the school to inform the volunteer that the school no longer wishes to use them |
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Provide the volunteer with a copy of the school’s full Complaints Procedure |
Monitoring and Review
This policy will be approved by the Governing Body and will be regularly reviewed and updated.
Approved by Governing Body on …………………………………………………
Signed by Chair of Governors ………………………………………………………..
First name: Surname:
Town: Postcode:
Daytime telephone number:
Mobile telephone number:
Relevant Experience: Please give details of any voluntary, unpaid or community work you consider relevant.
Type of experience |
Dates |
Personal Statement: This should demonstrate your skills, abilities and knowledge applicable to work within the school.
References: Please give details of two referees from whom confidential enquiries may be made. Your referees should be either: someone from your current school or educational institution, a current or most recent employer or close family friend.
Name of Name of
referee: referee:
Job Title: Job Title:
Organisation: Organisation:
Address: Address:
Telephone: Telephone:
Email: Email:
Capacity in which Capacity in which
known to you: known to you:
Medical information:
Emergency contact name: Relationship:
Contact number:
Do you have any of the following conditions?
Diabetes * Epilepsy * Asthma *
Allergies * If so, please give details.
Do you carry an epipen? Yes * No *
Do you consider yourself to have a disability? Yes * No *
If yes, please give details of any assistance you think might be necessary.
Please state your:
Nationality Ethnicity
Mother tongue Religion (optional)
Thank you for offering your services as a volunteer at Frith Manor Primary School.
Your offer of help is greatly appreciated and we hope that you will gain much from your experience.
Please read and sign this Volunteer Agreement Sheet and hand it in to the school office. You will receive a copy of it for your records.
~ I have received a copy of the School’s Volunteer Policy
~ I agree to support the School’s Aims
~ I agree to treat information obtained from being a volunteer in school as strictly confidential
~ I understand that an enhanced Criminal Record Bureau (DBS) check will be undertaken
~ I know who the Designated Child Protection Officer (DCPC) is
~ I have had Safeguarding training from the DCPC
~ I have been made aware of who is my designated supervisor e.g. Class Teacher
Signed:____________________________ Date: __________________________
Appendix 3
Off-Site Visits Volunteer Agreement
School trips are an integral part of learning at our school and afford many pupils opportunities which are outside their usual experiences. We are pleased that you have come forward as a volunteer helper; you will have an important role to play in the success and safety of this school trip.
Please read and return this appendix, and sign and return the helper’s slip.
This is part of our school’s risk assessment planning and safeguarding arrangements.
Role of the Volunteer Helper
- To be responsible and look after, in equal measure, all of the pupils in your group under the instruction of the Leader of the school trip
- To stay with your allocated group of pupils, ensuring that their wellbeing and safety is maintained for the total duration of the school trip
- To promote polite, respectful and courteous behaviour towards each other and members of the general public. We all go as ambassadors of our school!
- To ensure that your group keep up with the body of the school visit party, be it walking, entering or exiting from transportation or following speakers for the trip
- To contact your child’s class teacher/member of staff if there are issues with first aid, safety and/or behaviour
Working alongside school staff
School staff expect volunteer helpers to:
o Comply with all of the above whilst being under the direct supervision of school staff
o Show a commitment to their group, an interest in the focus of the visit and assist pupils in their learning by helping them to read signs/labels/information, asking questions that encourage pupils to think about what they are experiencing and help to explain the areas of interest
o Follow guidance from the school staff
What is not permitted
- Volunteer helpers are not allowed to bring additional children e.g. siblings or children in the care of the volunteer on the school trip
- Volunteer helpers are not allowed to smoke, drink alcohol or engage in any illegal practices whilst undertaking their volunteer duties
- Volunteer helpers are not permitted to take photographs of pupils
o Volunteer helpers are not allowed to give/buy their group treats e.g. ice creams, biscuits, sweets – before, during or after the school trip
First Aid
You will be informed if any child in your group has medication/needs. If medicine needs to be administered, this will be done by a member of staff unless you are the Parent/ Carer of the child who requires medicine, in which case you will be asked to administer this and be responsible for carrying the medicine.
All other medicines and first aid box(es) will be carried by staff.
You are expected to inform a member of staff of an emergency as soon as possible. If you become separated from the rest of the school party, you must telephone the school.
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I have read the Volunteer Policy |
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I agree to the terms and conditions as stated in the policy |
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I will support the young people in enjoying the trip and actively contribute to the smooth running of the event. |
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I will treat any information I may hear about pupils as confidential and will not discuss or disclose it out of school. |
Signed:____________________________ Date: __________________________
Appendix 4
Visitor/Volunteer Acceptable Use Policy 2015
As a professional organisation with responsibility for children’s safeguarding it is important that all members of the community are fully aware of their professional responsibilities and read and sign this Acceptable Use Policy. This is not an exhaustive list and visitors/volunteers are reminded that ICT use should be consistent with the school ethos, other appropriate school policies, relevant national and local guidance and expectations, and the Law.
- I have read and understood the school e-Safety policy which covers the requirements for safe ICT use, including using appropriate devices, safe use of social media websites and the supervision of pupils within the classroom and other working spaces.
- I will follow the school’s policy regarding confidentially, data protection and use of images and will abide with copyright and intellectual property rights, child protection legislation, privacy and data protection law and other relevant civil and criminal legislation.
- My electronic communications with pupils, parents/carers and other professionals will only take place within clear and explicit professional boundaries and will be transparent and open to scrutiny at all times. All communication will take place via school approved communication channels e.g. via a school provided email address or telephone number and not via personal devices or communication channels e.g. personal email, social networking or mobile phones. Any pre-existing relationships or situations that may compromise this will be discussed with the Headteacher.
- My use of ICT and information systems will be compatible with my role within school. This includes the use of email, text, social media, social networking, gaming, web publications and any other devices or websites. I will take appropriate steps to protect myself online and my use of ICT will not interfere with my work duties and will always be in accordance with the school AUP and the Law
- I will not create, transmit, display, publish or forward any material that is likely to harass, cause offence, inconvenience or needless anxiety to any other person, or anything which could bring my professional role, the school, or the County Council, into disrepute.
- I will promote e-Safety with the children in my care and will help them to develop a responsible attitude to safety online, system use and to the content they access or create.
- If I have any queries or questions regarding safe and professional practise online either in school or off site, then I will raise them with the DSO, SBM or HT
- I will report any incidents of concern regarding children’s online safety to Danielle Baillieu or Wendy Wayland the Designated Child Protection Officers as, as soon as possible.
I have read and understood and agree to comply with the Visitor /Volunteer Acceptable Use Policy.
Signed: ……………………………………...... Print Name: ……………………………………………….… Date: ………
Accepted by:- …………………………