Our Child Protection Policy gives detailed information on how we keep children safe at school. The policy can be found in the list of policies HERE.
Our pupils are taught about how to keep themselves safe and that if they have a problem or a concern either about themselves or about a friend then they should speak to their form tutor or a member of the pastoral team. Pupils are taught about online safety through the school curriculum including through PSHE, circle time and assemblies.
Our Safeguarding Leads
Ms Wayland - Designated Safeguarding Lead.
- Role: Headteacher and DSL
- Email address:
Keri Ellis - Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead.
- Role: SENCo
- Email address:
Mrs Hill - Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead.
- Role: EYFS Phase Leader
- Email address:
Mrs Ellis - Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead.
- Role: Deputy Headteacher
- Email address:
Naomi Phillips is the Governor Link for Safeguarding
- Role: Link Governor
- Email address:
Safeguarding in school
A key message around safeguarding is the importance of talking about any worries or concerns and children are actively encouraged to talk about any issues they might have.
We have safeguarding posters in each classroom that show pupils who to talk to should they have a concern. However, if a child has a concern or worry then they should be reassured that they can speak to any member of staff in school.
Within school our pastoral team supports the children.
External agencies
We also work very closely with selected external agencies. Below is some information about these agencies.
The Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services offer support to children, young people and their families who are experiencing significant emotional difficulties or mental health issues. These can be accessed by a referral from your GP.
What is BICS
Barnet Integrated Clinical Services (BICS) provide mild to moderate mental health services to children, young people and families in the borough.
If you are struggling with social, emotional or behavioural difficulties, contact us for help if you live in the borough or attend a Barnet school.
What we do
We offer a range of individual and family evidence based interventions, alongside groups and workshops.
We can meet face to face or virtually either in school or in the community.
After an assessment with one of our practitioners, we will agree with you what type of support would be most helpful. This might be using our own pathways or signposting you to another service.
Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) Team (Children's)
The Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) Team is the first point of entry for referrals about children and young people made by professionals, families and the public. 020 8359 4066
All referrals regarding children and young people made by professionals, families and the public must go through this form. This is the only referral route available. It will be screened and filtered to the correct service.