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Frith Manor School

Frith Manorisms 

What are Frith Manorisms?

Frith Manorisms are those things that are part of the Frith Manor culture that help the school provide its distinctive version of an excellent education for its children. 

Frith Manorism Micro Sites

Some of our Frith Manorisms have their own sections on our website.

International Schools Microsite Eco School Microsite  Widening Horizons Microsite Digital LeadersFrith Manor Eisteddfod Vocabulary Widgits Votes for Schools  Frith Manor Community Flag

Manorism? Mannerism?

 In English, a mannerism is a way of behaving that might be distinctive to a particular person or organisation.  Mannerism and Manorism are homophones (words that sound the same but are spelled differently).  So, Frith Manorisms are of course those things we do at Frith Manor that make Frith Manor into the distinctive school we want it to be - distinctive because it reflects and is shaped by the diversity of all those in its community.